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10 May 2011

How to Tone Your Body: Exercise Plan

Having a well toned and healthy body is a dream for many. It remains a dream in majority of the cases as they either do not work to turn it into reality or work in an improper way. If you want to exclude yourself from such a category of people, you should follow what is given in this article on a disciplined basis. The following account tells you how to tone your body by exercising and eating in a right manner.

How to Tone Your Body: Diet Plan

Your body is not toned because it contains more fat than the required amount. The presence of extra fat gives your body a sagging and flagging look. Therefore, the first step to how to tone your body at home is to bring down the amount of body fat to an optimum limit. Stop eating foods that have high content of fat and carbohydrates such as junk and fad foods. Try to follow a healthy diet that is poor in fat content but rich in proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals. Your body takes time to digest proteins and fibers. Therefore, you feel full for a longer period of time. Moreover, it will prevent you from overeating or eating more than required.

Vitamins and minerals help in weight loss as they tend to increase the rate of metabolism. You will get proteins from pulses, while fibers, vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables. Also, drink lots of water. The daily intake of water should be between 9-10 glasses. A secret to how to tone your body fast is to eat foods that burn fat and boost metabolism.

There are some tips on eating to tone your body. First of all, never skip breakfast. Rather you should have it early in the morning. This is a great booster of metabolism. Secondly, avoid having heavy meal. Instead, have it in small amounts from time to time. Maintain a gap of 2-3 hours between each each meal. Finally, do not eat anything or at least carbohydrates and fats after 6:00 p.m. in the evening. This is a near-to-perfect diet plan on how to lose weight fast.

How to Tone Your Body: Exercise Plan

The above suggested meal plan will definitely help you in lowering down the fat deposition in your body and burning the already existing fat to some extent. But in order to get a toned body, you not only need to lose body fat but build muscle in place of fat. This will make you look toned, firm and will help you stay in shape. The reason is that muscle cells consume more calories than the fat cells. Therefore, your body will burn fat quickly and remain slim.

Meng Qian
Meng Qian
Meng Qian
Meng Qian

To get a toned figure, you need to exercise. Don’t worry, you need not join a gym or follow a rigorous exercise regime to lose fat fast and tone the body. Here’s is an exercise plan that teaches you how to tone your body without weights.

Start your day with a morning walk. Keep walking for at least half an hour. This will burn the fat that has been stored in your body overnight while you were asleep. You can accelerate the process of fat burning by performing some sort of cardiovascular exercise. The list includes swimming, cycling, running, jogging and aerobic exercises. Do it for 20-30 minutes. Walking everyday and performing cardiovascular exercises for at least 4 days a week is sufficient to tone your body fast. To get the best and fast possible results, try to be physically active throughout the day. Take a stroll after every two hours, use the staircase as far as possible, and cover small distances by walking. All these things will definitely help you stay healthy, fit and of course toned.


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