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10 May 2011

Karachi Girl Muskan

1. Get Fit
Get into a habit of hitting the gym several times a week, and ALWAYS do it on the days you plan to go out later in the evening. You should consider exercise part of your pre-party ritual. Not only will you get into great physical shape, but exercise itself produces endorphins that will get you pumped up mentally for the evening. You'll also notice a boost to your confidence, which in turn will make women notice you.
2. Get Your House Ready
In preparing for tonight's outing, you need to think ahead and plan for a best case scenario. If you end up having some "company" later, you need to have your place clean and presentable. Always have a bottle of wine handy. Set up a few fun props throughout the house that will make interesting conversation pieces. Think Zen Gardens, a cool coffee table book, or a unique art piece. The more interactive the better! And most importantly, make sure your bedroom is clean, and your bed is made. They say a woman won't get into an unmade bed… I don't know if this is true but I'm not going to be the one to test it out!

3. Read Up On Current Events
Scan the news today and stay informed on the latest celebrity gossip and entertainment news. This is perfect material for conversations. Even if you aren't that interested in this stuff yourself, you need to show that you are "in the loop" and that you get it. Especially pay attention to celebrity affairs and break ups (There's a new one every week!). Women will be almost too willing to discuss these topics. It's like candy to them!
4. Get Positive
Nobody wants to be around a negative person, and if you want to be successful with women, you need to come from a positive place. Before you go out for the evening, relax for a little bit. Put yourself into a comfortable space mentally, and use positive self talk to eliminate insecurities. Try to remember a time in your life when you were particularly confident and successful. Try to recall exactly how that felt, down to the smallest detail. How did you walk? What kind of expression did you have on your face? What was your tone of voice? Bring that moment into the present, and watch how it affects your entire evening!
5. Pre-Party
The Pre-Party should become a ritual you have every time you go out. Think of it like an opening act – it's a warm up for the main event. Meet a few friends, either at your place or theirs. Share a few drinks. Listen to music that pumps you up. Watch some standup comedy, or listen to comedy albums. Share a few jokes. Make yourself and each other laugh. This will put you in the right frame of mind for the rest of the evening.


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